SLT Open Parent Positions
The PS 29 School Leadership Team (SLT) has 2 vacancies for parent representatives for a 2 year term from October 2020-June 2022.
ARE YOU A MEMBER OF OR HAVE BEEN WORKING WITH THE IDEA, Wellness, Learning Support, STEAM, Community Service, Visiting Authors, or Education Action committee? Are you interested in joining one of our school’s sub-committees? JOIN SLT!
What is the SLT?
Every school in New York City has an SLT. The committee is made up of administrators, teachers/staff, and parents. We meet monthly to discuss policies and practices that affect your child’s educational experience at PS 29. We have an equal number of parents and staff, of which includes Principal Fagin.
The SLT works on the development and monitoring of the Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP). The CEP is a strategic planning document that lays out the priorities, goals, and objectives for each school year. In addition, each SLT member participates as a member of a subcommittee to tackle more specific issues and initiatives affecting the school.
SLT meetings are held the third week each month on Thursday, starting at 5 (subject to change due to members’ availability) in school. Meetings are typically 1-1.5 hours long. Meetings will take place over Zoom until further notice. Attendance is required. Typically, a SLT member commits ~4 hours a month which includes the 1-1.5 hour monthly SLT meeting and an 1 hour a month for the subcommittee meeting.
You will represent all voices of our school community. Our goal is to encourage the broadest possible participation and representation, across all grades and sub-committees. Members need to have a child enrolled at PS 29 for the two years of their tenure.
What If I Run But Don’t Get Elected?
SLT meetings are always open to the entire PS 29 community. We would still hope you come and share your thoughts, views, and enthusiasm at the monthly meetings or by participating on one of the subcommittees.
How to Apply?
Interested candidates should submit a statement of interest and a short biography to by midnight on October 5th. Elections will take place at the October PTA meeting.