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Parents and Teachers Association

PS29 prides itself on a dynamic PTA, powered by a strong connection between our hard-working and creative parent community and our dedicated staff members. 

All parents and guardians of children attending PS29 are automatically members of the The Parents and Teachers Association of PS29 (PTA), as are all teachers in the school. The PTA’s mission is to:

  1. Build a vibrant and welcoming community both within PS29 and with the greater neighborhood community.

  2. Facilitate an effective relationship and two-way communication between families, school administration, school staff, and community officials.

  3. Raise funds to provide a wide variety of educational and cultural programs and materials to support school initiatives for the students of PS29.


PTA membership meets once a month in the auditorium. Childcare and pizza for PS29 children are always provided. Dates will be listed below in the fall.

DONATE. VOLUNTEER. PARTICIPATE. Your involvement is more important now than ever. Consider attending PTA meetings, being a class parent, volunteering to help with events, helping to raise and/or contribute money, or volunteering your skills and talents within a Committee.

2024-2025 PTA Board of Directors
What the PTA funds
How we raise funds

PTA Meetings

PTA Meeting Minutes


2024-2025 PTA Board of Directors

  • Co-Presidents: Mary Gallagher (K and 2nd graders) & Mariam Furmanau (3rd grader)

  • Co-Treasurer: Raul Vidal (4th grader) & Rachel Moyse (K, 2nd, 5th graders) 

  • Co-VP Communications: Anna Janash (3rd & 5th graders) & Josh Hoffner (2nd & 4th graders)

  • Co-VP Fundraising: Meagan Westgarth (2nd & 3rd graders), Chana Rosenthal (2nd grader), & Allison Schroeder (K and 2nd graders)

  • Co-Secretary: Dana Crowley (two 3rd graders) & Rachel Kwitman (Pre-K & 1st grader)

  • Co-VP Class Parents & Volunteers: Christina Yan (1st grader) & Blair Hirst (two 2nd graders)

  • The team members can be reached at

  • Please read this attachment to learn more about positions on the PTA Executive Board.


What the PTA funds

The PTA is an active and vital part of the school. Through our fundraising, we are able to provide additional resources and programs for every student within our school. The PTA works closely with the PS29 Administration to support school initiatives, programs, and services that are not covered by the DOE. The PTA funds:

  • PROGRAM SUPPORT for math and the arts. This line item looks one year ahead and is paid out in June for the next fiscal year.

  • ARTS, MUSIC & THEATER ENRICHMENT through collaborations with partners like Brooklyn Acting Lab and Freestyle Repertory Theatre and grade-wide enrichments, such as yoga and mindfulness, ballroom dancing, and chess, and opportunities for our students to experience real world applications such as our newspaper, running club, and green team. 

  • LITERACY, MATH & SCIENCE ENRICHMENT such as school-wide read alouds, program support for science, including STEM lab, the garden, and the wellness and greening of our school.

  • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT to ensure our teachers have the best knowledge and latest teaching techniques to provide our kids with great learning experiences.

  • SUPPLIES, ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT, & CAPITAL MAINTENANCE for essential supplies, building maintenance, workshops and seminars for families, and funding to help support related services.


How we raise funds

Only a portion comes from direct donations – the balance is generated through activities and events that incur expenses and require thousands of volunteer hours.

Our school is home to a diverse group of students and families. Contributions of time and money can be large or small, often or once in a while. Every dollar and every volunteer hour helps protect the programs our children currently enjoy. Please do what you can!

  1. APPEAL & DONATIONS are the most effective way to raise money. 100% of direct donations go to supporting our programs! Every dollar counts, and no contribution is too small. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible. It’s really easy to Donate Online.

  2. AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM provides a safe, fun environment for our kids, a service for our families, and a modest profit to help fund programs. To keep costs low, it is overseen by a steering committee of parent volunteers who research best practices, identify future enhancements, guide policy and staffing decisions, and assist with operations.

  3. ACTIVITIES & EVENTS include community-building events like Movie Night, Eat Pie Shop, Super Science Saturday and the PS 29 Block Party & fundraising events like the Annual Benefit & Auction, as well as merchandise sales. Volunteers are always needed. See our Event Schedule and contact us here to volunteer with one of these exciting activities. 


PTA Meetings

PS 29 PTA meets monthly throughout the schoolyear.


Here's the schedule of PTA meetings for 2024-2025. Mark your calendars! 

Friday, September 20th - PTA Meeting in Auditorium, 8:45 am

Thursday, October 17th - PTA Meeting 6:30 pm on Zoom

Friday, November 22nd - PTA Meeting in Auditorium, 8:45 am

Thursday, December 19th - PTA Meeting 6:30 pm on Zoom

Friday, January 17th - PTA Meeting in Auditorium, 8:45 am

Thursday, February 6th - PTA Meeting 6:30 pm on Zoom

Friday, March 21st - PTA Meeting in Auditorium, 8:45 am

Thursday, April 24th - PTA Meeting 6:30 pm in the outer cafeteria

Friday, May 23rd - PTA Meeting in Auditorium, 8:45 am

Wednesday, June 18th - PTA Meeting 6:30 pm on Zoom

The PTA also meets monthly as an Executive Board. If you are interested in attending one of these meetings, please contact us.

The PTA also meets monthly as an Executive Board. If you are interested in attending one of these meetings, please contact us

PTA Meeting Minutes

Click below to read notes from our recent PTA meetings.

May 2024 PTA Meeting Minutes

June 2024 PTA Meeting Minutes

September 2024 PTA Meeting Minutes   September 2024 Slide Deck

October 2024 PTA Meeting Minutes    October 2024 Slide Deck

November 2024 PTA Meeting Minutes    November 2024 Slide Deck

December 2024 PTA Meeting Minutes   December 2024 Slide Deck

January 2025 PTA Meeting Minutes   January 2025 Slide Deck

February 2025 PTA Meeting Minutes   February 2025 Slide Deck

PTA Bylaws

Our PTA bylaws were updated on June 13, 2024. 

About the PTA

The PTA was incorporated in 1985 and gained recognition as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in 1987. The formal name of the PTA is the Parents and Teachers Association of P.S. 29, Inc.

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